Bank Of Baroda E Mudra Loan: Pradhan Mantri Mudra Loan Scheme : Are you struggling to get financial help to start your business? Do you need a small loan to keep your business going? Bank of Baroda (BOB Bank) Under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Loan Scheme, BOB Bank offers e-Mudra loans for business purposes. In this article, we will provide you complete information on how to apply for Bank of Baroda e-Mudra Loan, including age limit for the loan, eligibility criteria, required documents and benefits of the scheme.

Bank Of Baroda E Mudra Loan: Overview
BOB E Mudra Loan Scheme Eligibility
- You should be above 21 years of age
- Who gets vegetables and fruits, taxi drivers, tractor operators,
- small manufacturing units,
- Dairy farming and other non-farming units are eligible to apply for Bank of Baroda Digital Mudra Loan Scheme.
BOB Mudra Loan Interest Rate
Small Enterprises
Micro Enterprises
Bank Of Baroda E Mudra Loan : Helpline Number
Required Document
- aadhar card
- PAN card
- Proof of business address
- Proof of business continuity
- Passport size photograph
- Last 6 months bank statement
- Sales tax certificate
Bank of Baroda Mudra Loan: Apply Online
- Visit the Bank of Baroda website.

- You have to choose Mudra loan scheme
- After that, you have to click on the Apply Now link
- In one page you have to write name, email id mobile number, address
- Then, you have to submit the verification code
- Now after verification the company will contact you.
- After successful verification you will get BOB Emudra loan amount in your bank account
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